Mar 6: These frugality tips can free up dollars for your retirement nestegg
March 6, 2025
It’s a tough landscape for saving out there. Higher costs for housing, groceries, fuel, and life in general make it very hard to squeeze out a few bucks to earmark for your post-work future.
However, having been the brother of a very frugal sister, Save with SPP has seen what a little tightfistedness on the spending side can do for one’s piggy bank. Let’s take a look at some frugality tips from the experts.
The Little House Living blog offers up some “frugality outside the box” ideas.
One is to “meal plan for an entire month.” With this idea, you’d not be eating out at restaurants, and would know what to shop for at the grocery store.
Another radical idea – “get rid of the cell phone and go with landline.”
“So few of us truly NEED a cell phone, we’ve just become spoiled to the idea we do. Also, extreme? Get rid of the TV and thus the streaming needs. With all that, do you need internet,” the blog asks.
Wow. That’s extreme frugality!
A final one from this blog that we’ve not seen before is “shop the perimeter of the store… it literally cuts grocerying in half.”
The A Dime Saved blog features some tips that “people laugh at, but actually work to save money.”
The blog suggests making your own condiments. “You’d be surprised at how easy—and cost-effective—it is to whip up your own condiments. Salad dressings, flavored vinegars, or even your own ketchup—once you get the hang of it, you’ll never want to buy those pricey store versions again,” the blog notes. We recall our grandma in New Brunswick making her own mayo, among other things.
What about cutting your own hair, asks the blog.
“For some, the idea of cutting their own hair is terrifying, but with a little practice and the help of online tutorials, you can easily save on salon visits. A trim here and there can make a huge difference, and you might just find you’ve got a hidden talent for it. Worst case? You save money,” the blog explains.
Finally, a more familiar one – grabbing a few toiletries when you stay at a hotel.
“From soaps to toilet paper to tea bags, those small items are already factored into your hotel bill. Why not take advantage of them? It’s one less thing you have to buy when you get home,” the blog concludes.
Finally, GoBankingRates provides a few tips for retirees.
First, the blog suggests, review your streaming subscriptions and cut back. “If you take a close look at your monthly bills, you might be surprised to see how many recurring charges you rack up every month,” the blog warns. There are cheaper and even free streaming options out there, the blog adds.
“Comparison shop,” the blog advises. “Nearly any product or service you’re interested in is likely offered by a number of different vendors, so you can pick and choose the combination of price, service and quality that works best for you.”
As well, retirees who are also empty nesters should consider moving to a smaller house, or an apartment.
“Frugal living tips can go a long way toward saving for retirement or living your best life once in retirement,” the article concludes.
If you are able to squeeze some savings out of your monthly spending, then for sure retirement saving is a good place to direct those loonies to. If you are saving on your own for retirement, take a good look at the Saskatchewan Pension Plan. SPP takes the hassle out of retirement saving by making it simple – you contribute however much you want, and SPP invests it in a low-cost, professionally managed pooled investment fund. At retirement, your options include collecting a lifetime monthly annuity, or the more flexible Variable Benefit.
Check out SPP today!
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Written by Martin Biefer

Martin Biefer is Senior Pension Writer at Avery & Kerr Communications in Nepean, Ontario. A veteran reporter, editor and pension communicator, he’s now a freelancer. Interests include golf, line dancing and classic rock, and playing guitar. Got a story idea? Let Martin know via LinkedIn.
Jan 31: Easy ways to start having a personal budget
January 31, 2025
We’ve read a ton of books on retirement/saving for retirement/living in retirement, and there’s one common thread that runs through all of them – the need to have a budget (and to stick to it).
Save with SPP decided to search for easy ways to get a budget in place, for those of us who either don’t currently budget or have given up due to fears it will be too complex and difficult.
At the Money Canada blog, writer Sandy Vong advises that if “you consistently look at your bank balance and wonder where the money goes then it’s time to take charge of your funds – and that starts with making a budget.”
“The good news is that it doesn’t have to be scary or time-consuming. But having a budget is critical. A budget gives you a big picture of your spending and saving habits and it’s a great way to take charge of your finances,” writes Vong.
Vong’s budget plan involves five steps – understanding and rating your values, setting your financial goals, tracking income and expenses, creating a budget and then regularly reviewing it.
The “value” idea is a bit unique.
“Values are those intangible measures of a good life. For instance, good health may be a value, as it a fulfilling career, or a place to call home. By starting with your values, you’re able to understand what value you are helping to support when you spend or save your money,” Vong explains.
The budgeting part itself, Vong notes, is fairly simple – track every expense and all of your income.
“Tracking your income and expenses is a simple exercise that takes a few minutes every day, but will quickly show you what your lifestyle is like and what areas you are spending the most on,” Vong notes.
“You can keep track of your income and expenses by using a note-taking app like Evernote.
However, there are more sophisticated budgeting apps such as YNAB (You Need A Budget). Whenever you go to purchase an item, whether online or in-store, record the date, the name of the store and the amount you spent. This way, you will have a full summary of where your money comes in and where it goes out at the end of the month,” Vong concludes.
There are other budgeting strategies.
Writing for GoBankingRates, Caitlin Moorhead explains the 75/15/10 budgeting approach.
“The 75/15/10 rule is a simple way to budget and allocate your paycheck. This is when you divert 75 per cent of your income to needs such as everyday expenses, 15 per cent to long-term investing and 10 per cent for short-term savings. It’s all about creating a balanced and practical plan for your money,” she writes.
She sees the 15 per cent as going for your future. “By putting 15 per cent of your income into investments like stocks or real estate, you’re not just saving — you’re growing your wealth,” she explains. The 10 per cent should be used to build up an emergency fund that can cover up to six months of expenses, she concludes.
Another, somewhat similar approach is the “50/30/20 method,” reports Linda Howard of The Daily Record.
In this approach, she explains, 50 per cent of your money is earmarked for “essential spending such as bills and food shopping,” with 30 per cent going to fun “non-essentials, such as eating out and style and beauty,” and the last 20 per cent going into savings.
The great Gail Vaz-Oxlade has long proposed a “cash jar/envelope” budgeting system, covered via the Smart Canucks blog.
According to the blog, Vaz-Oxlade’s approach “recommends that of your total income, 35 per cent goes to housing, 15 per cent to transportation, 25 per cent on `life’ (everything from groceries, pets, kids etc.), 15 per cent to debt and 10 per cent to savings.”
As we all remember from her many TV shows, she encouraged people to actually set aside cash for each category in jars or envelopes. If there’s no money left in the jar, you need to wait until the next month.
You can figure out your own budget approach, but the chief idea is to spend less than what you earn. To do that you need to see what you are making and know what your bills add up to.
If you are developing a budget, be sure to put some money away for long-term savings, such as retirement. If you don’t have a retirement program at your workplace, consider the Saskatchewan Pension Plan as your savings partner. Open to any Canadian with registered retirement savings plan room SPP is like an RRSP that has, when you retire, built in options to turn savings into income. You can, for example, convert your account balance into a monthly lifetime annuity payment. Or you can select the more flexible Variable Benefit.
Check out SPP today!
Join the Wealthcare Revolution – follow SPP on Facebook!
Written by Martin Biefer

Martin Biefer is Senior Pension Writer at Avery & Kerr Communications in Nepean, Ontario. A veteran reporter, editor and pension communicator, he’s now a freelancer. Interests include golf, line dancing and classic rock, and playing guitar. Got a story idea? Let Martin know via LinkedIn.
Jan 16: Resolutions to help you save money in 2025
January 16, 2025
A new year – 2025 – is upon us. Traditionally, it’s a time for making resolutions – maybe to hit the gym more often, to finally quit smoking, and so on.
Save with SPP, often with money on the mind, took a look around to see what sort of resolutions people are considering making when it comes to saving money.
The folks at the GoBankingRates blog have a few ideas; the first is to bump up your retirement savings by one per cent.
“One simple way to improve your long-term finances with minimal effort is to bump up your retirement plan contributions in small increments,” the blog explains. Let’s say you are earning $50,000 and contributing five per cent towards a retirement savings account. In Canada, that could be a registered retirement savings plan (RRSP), Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA), a Saskatchewan Pension Plan (SPP account) or any other savings vehicle where you control how much goes in.
Bumping that up by just one per cent means “you’ll be kicking in an extra $41.67 per month,” the blog explains. “That’s a money-saving resolution you could easily keep,” the blog continues.
Other ideas in this article include starting an emergency fund and the golden rule of “eat all the food in your house” to avoid food waste.
“Having an emergency fund is essential for keeping yourself out of debt when you face unexpected expenses,” the blog advises. Start small – maybe put away $100 a month. “Within a year, you’ll have $1,200…. enough to cover most short-term emergencies you’ll face.”
“If you want to save money… simply check your refrigerator every day for what you have and what might be going bad soon and eat that instead of picking up something new from the grocery store or a restaurant,” the blog advises. This “eat all the food in your house” rule is one our mother used to swear by; we would “use up” the food in the fridge before going out to buy more groceries, avoiding waste.
The Positively Frugal blog over in the UK offers up a few more ideas.
Getting out of debt is the blog’s number one resolution.
“Without a doubt, one of the absolute best financial goals to make this year is to get rid of your debt once and for all! I am a huge proponent of being debt free — not only is it good for your finances, but it’s good for your psyche,” the blog tells us.
“This year, challenge yourself to lose the burden of some of your debt. If you want to take it up a notch and brave the task of setting one of the best long-term financial goals, set a resolution to become completely debt free,” the blog advises.
Other suggestions – in the New Year, start paying off your credit cards in full each month (if you haven’t already begun doing this). “The amount you will save in interest and fees can add up to a nice little pile of cash, which can be used to kick start a savings account,” the blog suggests.
Another money-saving resolution offered up by the blog is to try and eat out less.
“If there is one area where most people can shape up their finances, it’s on the amount they spend eating out,” the blog notes. “You don’t have to completely eliminate eating out, but you can make a money resolution this year to spend less on the meals you eat at restaurants,” the blog adds.
Finally, the gang at Nerdwallet provide us with a few retirement-related savings resolutions.
First, the blog recommends, you should set a “goal retirement age.”
Figuring out when you want to retire will help you to estimate how much money you’ll need to have saved up by the time that day rolls around,” the blog tells us.
“Let’s say you’re 30 years old now and you want to retire by age 65. That gives you 35 years in which to save. So how much money will you need to retire at age 65,” the blog continues.
“A common rule of thumb is to aim to save at least 70 per cent of your annual pre-retirement income. Then, multiply this number by 25. Why? Because another rule of thumb says it’s a good idea to plan for 25 years of life after retirement — perhaps more if you retire early. Finally, you’ll want to subtract any pension income you plan to receive,” the blog states.
The blog also suggests that you automate your retirement savings.
“Once your (retirement saving) plan’s in place and accounts picked out, your next step should be to automate contributions. This ‘set it and forget it’ way to save ensures you’re constantly putting money towards your retirement plan with no little effort required on your part. It’s perfect for those who might be forgetful or be tempted to spend extra funds if they’re not allocated immediately,” the blog advises.
“Automating contributions to your retirement accounts should be easy, with financial institutions allowing you to set it up online. You can choose how much you want to contribute and at what frequency,” the blog adds.
Final word from Nerdwallet is to get started – today!
“It’s never too early to start thinking about retirement. The sooner you start, the more time you’ll have to save, and maximize those savings through registered plans, investments and tax-free accounts,” the blog concludes.
One savings tip we will add is one learned from one of the books reviewed for writing this blog. Let’s say you look at your existing budget, and find there is no room to save anything. The book suggested taking one per cent of your take-home pay off the top and putting it into savings, then managing the bills. Once you’ve managed that for a while, bump it up to two per cent, and so on. This one worked for us back when we were still grappling with a mortgage and debt.
The Saskatchewan Pension Plan is a defined contribution pension plan open to any Canadian with available RRSP room. Like an RRSP, your contributions to SPP are tax-deductible. SPP takes your savings and invests them in a low-cost, professionally managed pooled fund. At retirement, SPP members can choose among such options as a monthly lifetime annuity payment or the more flexible Variable Benefit.
Check out SPP today!
Join the Wealthcare Revolution – follow SPP on Facebook!
Written by Martin Biefer

Martin Biefer is Senior Pension Writer at Avery & Kerr Communications in Nepean, Ontario. A veteran reporter, editor and pension communicator, he’s now a freelancer. Interests include golf, line dancing and classic rock, and playing guitar. Got a story idea? Let Martin know via LinkedIn.
Nov 7: How To Avoid Dipping Into Savings
November 7, 2024
The idea behind savings has always been to put a little money away today, and in the future, you’ll be covered for any little emergency that arises.
But these days, people are raiding their savings to pay for day-to-day, non-emergency expenses. Is there anything we can all do to prevent that? Save with SPP took a look around to see what others think.
The GoBankingRates website offers up a number of interesting strategies.
One idea is to put your savings in “a separate, online savings account” that “is not directly linked to your chequing or overdraft, or that can be used with a debit card,” the article suggests. We have an account with Alterna Bank that isn’t hooked up to any card, and yes, it’s a piggy bank that’s sort of hard to get at.
A similar idea is to “make savings inaccessible,” perhaps by putting them into a registered savings account (such as a registered retirement savings account) or brokerage account where you can’t get the money out immediately, or without a penalty or tax consequences, the article explains.
At the How To Money blog, one thought is to “focus on your goals,” and to remember why you opened the savings account before dipping into it.
“Do you want to own a home? Become financially independent? Finally go on that big trip you’ve always dreamed of,” the blog asks. “Having a bigger goal to weigh your purchases against can help you think twice before transferring money out of your savings, or making an impulse buy. Once you have a solidified goal, you can think about just how much you could accomplish if you cut out mindless spending,” the blog continues.
A second idea recommended by the blog is creating “sinking funds,” or essentially pre-paying, for things you know you have to spend on.
“A sinking fund for gifts is a common example. We all know we need to buy gifts at the end of the year for the holiday season. But if we don’t plan ahead, we won’t have the money to buy anything. That leads to dipping into savings. Instead, if we create a sinking fund and contribute $50 per month into it starting each January, we’ll have $550 by the end of November for gifts,” the blog explains.
Okay – make the money hard to get at, remember why you’re saving before dipping in, and create little dedicated “sinking funds” to prepay for known, upcoming expenses (again, instead of dipping in.) Are there other ways to work this?
The Balance blog suggests an oldie-but-goodie – using cash.
“Set up auto debit for all your bills and savings contributions, then see how much money you have left over. That’s how much you have to spend. Take out that amount each week or month, and when it’s gone, it’s gone. When you are using cash only for your spending, it takes a lot more work to overspend since you have to actually take the money out of the bank,” the blog suggests.
Another good idea, the blog adds, is to set up an emergency fund – for real emergencies – rather than dipping into your long-term savings.
“If you have a separate emergency fund to handle unexpected expenses, then you will no longer need to dip into your savings account to cover unexpected expenses like car repairs or medical bills,” the blog explains. “Although using your emergency fund may seem like you are dipping into savings, you really are not because you have earmarked these funds ahead of time to cover these expenses.”
The takeaway for all this is that your savings cookie jar should be as hard to get to as possible, so you can’t dip into them for an impulse purchase.
Members of the Saskatchewan Pension Plan can’t dip into their accounts for non-retirement purposes, because SPP is a “locked-in” pension plan. You can’t access the funds until you are age 55 or older, when you are deciding what you are going to do to turn your SPP savings into income. Options include receiving a monthly lifetime annuity or the more flexible Variable Benefit.
Check out SPP today!
Join the Wealthcare Revolution – follow SPP on Facebook!
Written by Martin Biefer

Martin Biefer is Senior Pension Writer at Avery & Kerr Communications in Nepean, Ontario. A veteran reporter, editor and pension communicator, he’s now a freelancer. Interests include golf, line dancing and classic rock, and playing guitar. Got a story idea? Let Martin know via LinkedIn.
August 19, 2024
In the U.S., women have “just one-third of men’s retirement savings”
South of the border, “women… have saved just a third of the amount that men have set aside for retirement, setting up a potential crisis among female retirees,” reports Voice of America.
The VOA article cites new research from Prudential Financial that found “on average, men had saved $157,000 USD for retirement, while women had put aside only $50,000 USD.”
There are a number of reasons for the gap, Caroline Feeney of Prudential tells VOA, including the fact that compared to men, “women were three times more likely to be focused on providing for their families and children than on saving.”
“`The financial futures of certain cohorts – such as women – are especially precarious,’ Feeney states in the article. `Women have a more challenging time saving for retirement,’ she adds, citing inflation, housing prices and changes in tax policies as the main barriers.”
Not surprisingly, 46 per cent of men said they are looking forward for retirement, compared to just 27 per cent of U.S. women polled, the article notes.
A story from GoBankingRates, commenting on the same survey results, says there are challenges ahead for both men and women on the U.S. retirement front.
“While women find themselves in a more precarious situation than men, people of both genders have a lot of saving and investing to do over the next 10 years. With just a single decade until retirement, the average 55-year-old American has only $47,950 in median retirement savings. Additionally, about one-third of 55-year-olds have postponed retirement due to high inflation these days,” the article notes.
“Probably the scariest data point is that a stunning 71 per cent of 55-year-olds have not calculated how many years their current retirement savings will last them — and two-thirds of this group expect they’ll outlive their savings,” the article adds.
GoBankingRates strongly recommends saving for retirement “early and often” to prevent a shortage of money in your golden years.
Even if you start saving late, after age 55, “it’s never too late to start aggressively saving for retirement. You’ll have a lot of catching up to do, but better late than never. Ultimately, you’ll need to save a lot more every month to ensure you have enough funds to call it quits at work. You might also want to consider working past age 65 to ensure a financially sound retirement.”
Workplace pension plans are a great way to make saving for retirement automatic, but they aren’t always portable – you can’t always continue to be in one employer’s pension plan if you change jobs and move to another.
A portability solution is the Saskatchewan Pension Plan. Since you can belong as an individual, you can continue to make contributions even if you change employers. Rather than ending up with several small buckets of retirement savings, you’ll end up with one, larger bucket – and the options of an SPP lifetime monthly annuity payment, or the flexible Variable Benefit, at retirement.
Check out SPP today!
Join the Wealthcare Revolution – follow SPP on Facebook!
Written by Martin Biefer

Martin Biefer is Senior Pension Writer at Avery & Kerr Communications in Nepean, Ontario. A veteran reporter, editor and pension communicator, he’s now a freelancer. Interests include golf, line dancing and classic rock, and playing guitar. Got a story idea? Let Martin know via LinkedIn.
May 16: Is the “new normal” retiring with debt?
May 16, 2024
There was a time when taking debt into retirement was considered an absolute no-no. But in these days of higher living costs, less helpful interest rates, and the many temptations of debt, is owing money when you retire now the norm?
Save with SPP took a look at this topic, which is one that we are well acquainted with on a personal basis!
Well-known personal finance writer Rob Carrick recently covered this topic in The Globe and Mail. He cites figures from insolvency expert Scott Terrio that show that, according to the most recent data, “42 per cent of senior households had debt…. compared to 27 per cent in 1999. Vehicle debt held by seniors nearly tripled between 2005 and 2019, while mortgage debt quadrupled.”
(Save with SPP talked with Scott Terrio a little while ago on the topic of retiring with debt. Here’s a link to that article: Debt can squeeze the spending power of seniors: Scott Terrio | Save with SPP)
Carrick suggests that younger people have a conversation with their parents about debt.
“Parents helping their adult children financially is the new normal in family life. It’s less common for those kids to help their parents, but high debt levels among seniors suggest this could change. Boomers and Gen Xers, do you know how well set up your parents are in their retirement or pre-retirement years,” he asks.
An article in Forbes agrees that “retiring with debt is often considered a cardinal financial sin: Every dollar you owe reduces your income in retirement, after all.”
However, the article warns, trying to get out of debt before you retire might also cost you. Huh? “Blindly prioritizing debt reduction before retirement savings, particularly for low-interest debt, could shortchange your nest egg,” the writers at Forbes warn.
On the other hand, not prioritizing debt has consequences as well, the article continues.
Currently, the article notes, credit card interest rates are well over 20 per cent. “Paying interest rates this high would hamstring your finances at any stage of life, let alone when you’re living on a fixed income in retirement. That means you need to prioritize paying down as much high-interest debt as possible before you stop working—and then keep from accruing any new credit card debt.”
The folks over at GoBankingRates say debt is manageable for retirees, but it’s no picnic.
“Yes, you can retire with debt, but it may impact the quality of your retirement. Having debt, especially high-interest debt, can strain your retirement savings and limit your financial freedom. It’s important to assess the type and amount of debt you have and create a plan to manage it effectively,” their article notes.
The article recommends trying to “minimize or clear your debts before retiring.” You might need to think harder about when you want to retire, boost your savings, or even downsize as strategies to cope with debt, the article continues.
“Focusing on high-interest debts, like credit card balances, should be a priority. Developing a comprehensive plan on how to get out of debt before retirement can significantly ease your financial burden during your later years,” the article notes.
MoneySense provides some good news on this topic, noting that some of your debt will eventually get paid off – and that when that happens, your retirement spending power gets a boost.
“If you only have a small mortgage and a few years of payments remaining, your income requirements may be on the verge of a big decrease. I’ve seen a lot of retirees with generous DB pensions work hard to pay off debt, retire, and suddenly find they’re flush with cash flow because their $500, $1,000, or $2,000 monthly mortgage payment disappears,” MoneySense reports.
There are several themes here to think about – retirement with debt is not seen as ideal. But neither is not saving for retirement in order to pay off debt. If you do bring debt with you on the retirement voyage, each time you pay something off you’ll have better cash flow.
All the articles suggested consulting a financial professional to help map your personal route – that’s always good advice.
If you don’t have a workplace pension plan, or want to augment your savings, have a look at the Saskatchewan Pension Plan. With SPP, you can consolidate little bits of savings in various RRSPs into one place, and also make regular contributions. SPP will grow your investments in a low-cost, professionally managed, pooled fund, and when it’s time to collect, your options include monthly annuity payments for life or the flexible Variable Benefit option.
Check out SPP today!
Join the Wealthcare Revolution – follow SPP on Facebook!
Written by Martin Biefer

Martin Biefer is Senior Pension Writer at Avery & Kerr Communications in Nepean, Ontario. A veteran reporter, editor and pension communicator, he’s now a freelancer. Interests include golf, line dancing and classic rock, and playing guitar. Got a story idea? Let Martin know via LinkedIn.
December 5, 2022
How to get your retirement savings back on track when money’s tight
Writing for the GoBankingRates blog via Yahoo!, Vance Cariaga offers up some interesting tips on how to keep your retirement savings effort going, even while record inflation and roiling markets are battering away in the background.
A survey from Allianz Life, he writes, found that 54 per cent of Americans “have stopped or reduced retirement savings due to inflation.” A further 31 per cent have reduced contributions to their 401(k) plans (similar to a capital accumulation savings plan here in Canada), he notes.
“Cutting back on retirement contributions is understandable in periods of high inflation — especially if you need the money to pay for essentials such as housing, utility bills, and groceries. However, doing so comes with serious consequences,” he warns in the article.
Cutting back now, even for good reasons, means you will have to play catch up later, the article continues. The “worst move” we can make is to cut back completely on retirement savings, he writes.
Here are the ideas Cariaga has for keeping the savings going despite living through a tight money era:
- The first idea is to tweak your budget. “You’d be surprised how many discretionary expenses can be reduced or eliminated altogether,” he writes. Brewing your own coffee, cutting back on dining out, avoiding “pricey” vacations and trimming back on memberships are ideas to free up money for savings, the article suggests.
- Next, he recommends cutting back on credit card spending. “The best move is to cut down on your credit card use. After that, try to pay the balance in full every month to avoid interest charges,” he explains. Another idea expressed in the article is doing a “balance transfer” from one card to another with a lower interest rate.
- Side gigs, the article notes, can bring in up to $1,000 a month, creating some more cash to save.
- If you have some sort of ongoing retirement savings arrangement, either through work or individually, Cariaga suggests you “reduce, instead of eliminate, retirement savings.”
Some workplace pension systems require contributions at a mandatory rate, but if you are doing your own automatic contribution to a savings vehicle, you could temporarily dial down the amount, the article notes – and then dial it back up when better times return. This is completely doable if you are a member of the Saskatchewan Pension Plan (SPP), for instance.
Even if you squeak through this economic downturn with reduced retirement savings, your future you will be thankful you kept your eye on the ball.
And as mentioned, with the Saskatchewan Pension Plan, you are the quarterback when it comes to deciding how much you want to set aside for retirement each payday. You can contribute any amount you want up to $7,000 annually to SPP, who will grow your savings at a very low management expense rate, and then convert your nest egg into income down the road. Be sure to check them out today.
Join the Wealthcare Revolution – follow SPP on Facebook!
Written by Martin Biefer

Martin Biefer is Senior Pension Writer at Avery & Kerr Communications in Nepean, Ontario. A veteran reporter, editor and pension communicator, he’s now a freelancer. Interests include golf, line dancing and classic rock, and playing guitar. Got a story idea? Let Martin know via LinkedIn.
September 12, 2022
Some clever ways to tuck away more money in your retirement piggy bank
Writing for the GoBankingRates blog, Jami Farkas comes up with some “clever” ways to save more for our collective retirements.
First, the article suggests, use an online calculator to figure out how much you need to save. There are plenty of these, and the Saskatchewan Pension Plan’s own Wealth Calculator can show you how much your savings can grow.
Next, the article urges, make savings automatic. “Don’t give yourself the option of whether to set aside money each month. Automate your savings so it’s not a choice,” the article suggests, quoting David Brooks Sr., president of Retire SMART. This option is available to SPP members too – you can arrange to make pre-authorized contributions to your account.
If you are in any sort of retirement arrangement at work, be sure you are contributing to the max, the article notes. And if there is no employer match to your retirement savings, “set up your own match” by giving up a cup of coffee daily, the article suggests.
Once you’ve started automatically saving for life after work, be sure to bump up your annual rate of contributions every year, the article tells us. “A 25-year-old earning $40,000 a year who contributes just one per cent more of his salary each year (or $33 more each month) until age 67 would have $3,870 of additional yearly income in retirement, assuming a seven per cent rate of return and a 1.5 per annual pay raise,” the article explains.
It’s the same, the article continues, for raises. If you get one, so should your retirement savings – stash some or all of it into savings. “Since workers are already accustomed to living on their existing salary, they won’t notice money that they never had before is missing,” the article explains.
We’ll Canadianize the next tips – consider putting some or all of your tax refund back into retirement savings, such as your SPP account or a Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA). A few of the ideas for saving in this article, intended for a U.S. audience, aren’t available here, but remember that SPP operates similarly to a registered retirement savings plan, so contributions you make to it are tax-deductible. If you put money in a TFSA, there’s no tax deduction but as is the case with both vehicles, your money grows tax-free. And with a TFSA there’s no tax payable when you take the money out.
Other ideas – don’t downsize after you retire, but before when you can more readily afford to move, the article suggests.
Spare change can power your savings, the article adds. “Tossing spare change in a jar might seem like an old-fashioned approach to saving, but you’d be surprised how quickly your nickels, dimes and quarters can add up,” the article notes. Do the same with any money you save on purchases using coupons or apps, we are told.
We’ll add one more to this list. If you get a gift card that can be spent like cash anywhere, why not add it to your SPP account? SPP permits contributions to be made from credit cards, so it’s a nice way to turn a gift, or a rebate, into retirement income for your future self.
Join the Wealthcare Revolution – follow SPP on Facebook!
Written by Martin Biefer

Martin Biefer is Senior Pension Writer at Avery & Kerr Communications in Nepean, Ontario. A veteran reporter, editor and pension communicator, he’s now a freelancer. Interests include golf, line dancing and classic rock, and playing guitar. Got a story idea? Let Martin know via LinkedIn.
August 22, 2022
U.S. study links health, happiness to sound financial planning
We’ve often heard how things like rising interest rates and market volatility “keep us up at night.”
But, reports Gabrielle Olya, writing for GoBankingRates via Yahoo!, a new study out of the U.S. suggests that there’s actually a link between having a good financial plan and happiness – as well as being able to sleep at night.
The Northwestern Mutual 2022 Planning & Progress Study found that “people with financial plans and those who work with financial advisors are happier and sleep better than those who don’t plan or work with advisors,” she writes.
The numbers she reports on from the study are indeed eye-openers.
“Eighty-seven per cent of Americans surveyed who work with financial advisors reported that they are very or somewhat happy, as did 84 per cent of those who considered themselves disciplined planners,” the article notes. Those numbers drop to 72 per cent for those without financial planners and to 68 per for those who aren’t following a plan.
And then there’s the whole sleep thing.
“Eighty-one per cent of Americans who work with financial advisors said they sleep well or very well, and 76 per cent of disciplined planners said the same. Among people who don’t work with financial advisors, 65 per cent said they sleep well or very well, and that percentage dropped to 62 per cent for informal planners and non-planners,” Olya writes.
“As we dug into the results, we saw that people who have an advisor or identify as a disciplined planner reported being happier and sleeping better. This signalled to us that there is a clear link between financial wellness and overall wellness,” states Northwestern’s Christian Mitchell in the article.
He further states that having a plan and/or working with an advisor “eliminates a lot of the uncertainty surrounding your finances and allows you to feel more confident about your complete financial picture. This clarity can help create peace of mind and even lead to increased happiness and better sleep.”
The article concludes by outlining some steps those of us who aren’t using an advisor, or following a plan, can take – “setting a budget, reducing spending or paying down debt.” As well, focusing on long-term goals – “such as buying a house or saving for retirement” can be a positive step.
Perhaps we can take away from this article – thinking chiefly of retirement savings – that those of us who have either a plan or a strategy for handling this long-term goal may feel happier/healthier than those who don’t have a plan.
As we’ve seen, the majority of Canadians don’t have any sort of workplace pension or retirement arrangement. That means the responsibility for retirement savings falls squarely on their own shoulders. If you want someone to help carry the ball for you, consider the Saskatchewan Pension Plan. Through SPP’s open, voluntary defined contribution model, you contribute the savings, and SPP takes on the tricky part – investing your money, growing it, and getting ready to turn it into future retirement income. Leave the heavy lifting and stress to SPP; get them working on your retirement strategy!
Join the Wealthcare Revolution – follow SPP on Facebook!
Written by Martin Biefer

Martin Biefer is Senior Pension Writer at Avery & Kerr Communications in Nepean, Ontario. A veteran reporter, editor and pension communicator, he’s now a freelancer. Interests include golf, line dancing and classic rock, and playing guitar. Got a story idea? Let Martin know via LinkedIn.
July 11, 2022
Even if you have zero saved for retirement, these steps will get you started
One of the findings of a recent survey from the Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan (HOOPP) was that “32 per cent of working Canadians said they have yet to save anything for retirement.”
South of the border, reports GoBankingRates via Yahoo! Finance, the situation is similar, with 23 per cent of Americans having saved nothing for retirement, and “25 per cent of Americans between 45 and 55 years old” not having even started saving.
Like dieting and going to the gym more often, saving for retirement is something we know is good for us but is easy to avoid doing. GoBankingRates offers a few ways to fire up your own personal retirement savings program.
The first step is to start budgeting, the article notes. “When payday comes around, it’s tempting to pay for immediate expenses, such as rent and groceries, and use the rest of that money for spending and splurging. Instead, you should consider budgeting,” the article urges. “By setting aside a little money every month towards retirement, you will be able to enjoy that money in the future,” states Jay Zigmont of Live, Learn Plan in the article.
Next, the article continues, is addressing your debt load.
“Debt is a frustrating thing to have, but the sooner you are able to eliminate it, the more money you will have for saving for retirement, investing and spending,” the article tells us. This is a very valid point. Next time you get your credit card bill, see how much interest you were charged on the balance over the last month. That amount could go to savings if you were able to pay off the card.
To target your debt, the article advises you to first be sure to make at least the minimum payment on all debts. They then advise that you put any extra money you can on the debt with the highest interest rate. Once that one’s gone, add what you were paying on high-interest debt 1 to high-interest debt 2, and repeat until you are debtless.
A third idea in the article is goal-setting for savings.
“Make sure you know why you are saving,” Zigmont states in the article. “What do you want your retirement to look like? What are you willing to give up to get there? What is the dollar number you need to hit to retire? When do you want to do it by?”
If you want, for example, to have $20,000 in savings for 20 years of retirement, a target might be $400,000. For simplicity, we are not talking about interest rates and investment returns in this example, but both can help you get there.
Other ideas from GoBankingRate include investing your savings, rather than putting it all in a savings account. “Follow the general rule of only investing in things you understand,” Zigmont states in the article. “Take the time to learn what your options are and be sure to understand both what you are investing in.” In Canada, your choices include workplace pension plans, the Saskatchewan Pension Plan, registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs), Tax Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs) and plain old cash trading accounts. Be sure you know the limits and rules for each type of investment vehicle.
The final advice in the article is to “take ownership” of retirement. “The key to retirement is making it your own,” the article concludes. Do you want to fully retire, or move to part-time work? Having an idea of what your own retirement will be like will help guide your savings plan, the article concludes.
Over many years of reviewing books for Save with SPP, there was one piece of advice that really stood out, and actually worked for us when money was tight. That idea was to put aside five per cent off your pay for savings right off the top, and then live on the rest.
A barrier to savings is the feeling that you won’t have anything left over after bills and groceries. But if you take five per cent off the top, and put it somewhere where you can’t get at it to spend, you’ll be amazed how quickly the savings start to add up, and how little you miss the five per cent (eventually).
A safe and secure cookie jar for your newfound savings is available through SPP.
With SPP, you can stash away up to $7,000 per year in a locked-in, voluntary defined contribution plan. “Locked-in” means you can’t raid your savings for non-retirement expenses; you can only access the money once you reach retirement age. And during that run up, your money will be invested professionally and at a low cost. SPP is a sensible savings option available to any Canadian with RRSP room; check them out today!
Join the Wealthcare Revolution – follow SPP on Facebook!
Written by Martin Biefer

Martin Biefer is Senior Pension Writer at Avery & Kerr Communications in Nepean, Ontario. A veteran reporter, editor and pension communicator, he’s now a freelancer. Interests include golf, line dancing and classic rock, and playing guitar. Got a story idea? Let Martin know via LinkedIn.