
Jan 16: Resolutions to help you save money in 2025

January 16, 2025

A new year – 2025 – is upon us. Traditionally, it’s a time for making resolutions – maybe to hit the gym more often, to finally quit smoking, and so on.

Save with SPP, often with money on the mind, took a look around to see what sort of resolutions people are considering making when it comes to saving money.

The folks at the GoBankingRates blog have a few ideas; the first is to bump up your retirement savings by one per cent.

“One simple way to improve your long-term finances with minimal effort is to bump up your retirement plan contributions in small increments,” the blog explains. Let’s say you are earning $50,000 and contributing five per cent towards a retirement savings account. In Canada, that could be a registered retirement savings plan (RRSP), Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA), a Saskatchewan Pension Plan (SPP account) or any other savings vehicle where you control how much goes in.

Bumping that up by just one per cent means “you’ll be kicking in an extra $41.67 per month,” the blog explains. “That’s a money-saving resolution you could easily keep,” the blog continues.

Other ideas in this article include starting an emergency fund and the golden rule of “eat all the food in your house” to avoid food waste.

“Having an emergency fund is essential for keeping yourself out of debt when you face unexpected expenses,” the blog advises. Start small – maybe put away $100 a month. “Within a year, you’ll have $1,200…. enough to cover most short-term emergencies you’ll face.”

“If you want to save money… simply check your refrigerator every day for what you have and what might be going bad soon and eat that instead of picking up something new from the grocery store or a restaurant,” the blog advises. This “eat all the food in your house” rule is one our mother used to swear by; we would “use up” the food in the fridge before going out to buy more groceries, avoiding waste.

The Positively Frugal blog over in the UK offers up a few more ideas.

Getting out of debt is the blog’s number one resolution.

“Without a doubt, one of the absolute best financial goals to make this year is to get rid of your debt once and for all! I am a huge proponent of being debt free — not only is it good for your finances, but it’s good for your psyche,” the blog tells us.

“This year, challenge yourself to lose the burden of some of your debt. If you want to take it up a notch and brave the task of setting one of the best long-term financial goals, set a resolution to become completely debt free,” the blog advises.

Other suggestions – in the New Year, start paying off your credit cards in full each month (if you haven’t already begun doing this). “The amount you will save in interest and fees can add up to a nice little pile of cash, which can be used to kick start a savings account,” the blog suggests.

Another money-saving resolution offered up by the blog is to try and eat out less.

“If there is one area where most people can shape up their finances, it’s on the amount they spend eating out,” the blog notes. “You don’t have to completely eliminate eating out, but you can make a money resolution this year to spend less on the meals you eat at restaurants,” the blog adds.

Finally, the gang at Nerdwallet provide us with a few retirement-related savings resolutions.

First, the blog recommends, you should set a “goal retirement age.”

Figuring out when you want to retire will help you to estimate how much money you’ll need to have saved up by the time that day rolls around,” the blog tells us.

“Let’s say you’re 30 years old now and you want to retire by age 65. That gives you 35 years in which to save. So how much money will you need to retire at age 65,” the blog continues.

“A common rule of thumb is to aim to save at least 70 per cent of your annual pre-retirement income. Then, multiply this number by 25. Why? Because another rule of thumb says it’s a good idea to plan for 25 years of life after retirement — perhaps more if you retire early. Finally, you’ll want to subtract any pension income you plan to receive,” the blog states.

The blog also suggests that you automate your retirement savings.

“Once your (retirement saving) plan’s in place and accounts picked out, your next step should be to automate contributions. This ‘set it and forget it’ way to save ensures you’re constantly putting money towards your retirement plan with no little effort required on your part. It’s perfect for those who might be forgetful or be tempted to spend extra funds if they’re not allocated immediately,” the blog advises.

“Automating contributions to your retirement accounts should be easy, with financial institutions allowing you to set it up online. You can choose how much you want to contribute and at what frequency,” the blog adds.

Final word from Nerdwallet is to get started – today!

“It’s never too early to start thinking about retirement. The sooner you start, the more time you’ll have to save, and maximize those savings through registered plans, investments and tax-free accounts,” the blog concludes.

One savings tip we will add is one learned from one of the books reviewed for writing this blog. Let’s say you look at your existing budget, and find there is no room to save anything. The book suggested taking one per cent of your take-home pay off the top and putting it into savings, then managing the bills. Once you’ve managed that for a while, bump it up to two per cent, and so on. This one worked for us back when we were still grappling with a mortgage and debt.

The Saskatchewan Pension Plan is a defined contribution pension plan open to any Canadian with available RRSP room. Like an RRSP, your contributions to SPP are tax-deductible. SPP takes your savings and invests them in a low-cost, professionally managed pooled fund. At retirement, SPP members can choose among such options as a monthly lifetime annuity payment or the more flexible Variable Benefit.

Check out SPP today!

Join the Wealthcare Revolution – follow SPP on Facebook!

Written by Martin Biefer

Martin Biefer is Senior Pension Writer at Avery & Kerr Communications in Nepean, Ontario. A veteran reporter, editor and pension communicator, he’s now a freelancer. Interests include golf, line dancing and classic rock, and playing guitar. Got a story idea? Let Martin know via LinkedIn.

Jan 9: Scammers are out for your money – watch out for these common scams

January 9, 2025

“The man from the bank was very nice,” said Grandma over the phone one Monday evening. “He said he just wanted to run a security check, so I ran and got my card.”

Oh no, we thought. We were quickly able to contact the bank to verify that all was OK with her account. She hadn’t been able to see all the numbers (she’s 92) and began to think something was up when the “bank man” started yelling at her.

When we got her on the phone with her actual bank, they reassured her that the bank would never make a “security check” call like that; it was a scam.

Save with SPP took a look around to see what other scams are out there that we – particularly the older and more vulnerable among us – should watch out for.

According to the website, “Canadians have lost a staggering $447 million through various scams and fraud through the first nine months of 2024.”

Of that total, the article continues, $228 million was lost in “investment fraud alone from January to September of 2024.”

An investment scam, the article notes, occurs when “the scammer may try to get you to buy digital currencies, stocks, bonds, or real estate, or to invest in a business directly,” the Competition Bureau Canada states in the article.

“Fraudsters often use social media, dating apps, online ads or websites telling investors to act now while promising high returns,” the article adds.

The Globe and Mail notes that $45 million has been lost “to phone-initiated fraud” like Grandma experienced. That figure “captures only a fraction of the suspected financial carnage,” the Globe notes. “The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre estimates that a mere five to 10 per cent of victims actually report” the fraud.

In addition to investment scams and phone fraud, the Asterisk blog warns about “social media scams” which often consist of “false advertisements… that promise job opportunities, discounted merchandise, or free trials.” Clicking on these could lead to “identity theft and stolen passwords,” the blog warns.

Another category is called “spear fishing,” Asterisk reports. “Be aware of texts and email messages, which appear to be from a legitimate source, that say someone is trying to access your account. Never respond to the text or email, and do not click on any links.”

These messages may purport to be from someone you do business with – the bank, the post office, Amazon, or the government.

“The golden rule is that if you’re unsure, don’t click. Opening a fraudulent link can potentially infect your device or compromise your data. Instead, reach out to the government agency directly by looking up their official contact information,” the blog advises. “If you’re concerned about these messages, especially if they are ongoing, call your financial institution directly to find out if they’re trying to get in touch with you.”

Another category is employment scams, Asterisk continues.

For example, the blog reports, “Instagram direct messages that claim someone received your resume through a job posting site and is interested in hiring you. It is common for scammers to ask for personal details, financial information and even pretend to send you an advance ‘digital payment.’ However, after you deposit the money, you’ll get a call from your financial institution that the cheque was counterfeit,” the blog warns.

Similar scams involve “car wrapping,” being hired as a “financial agent” to help process invoices or offers for you to be a mystery shopper or personal assistant, the blog cautions.

We’ve all heard (and friends have experienced) the “grandparent scam,” where someone calls saying it is your grandson and that he needs bail money quick to get out of jail. Or the Canada Revenue Scam where a recorded voice says you are about to be arrested for tax evasion unless you contact a random number first. Artificial Intelligence can make any scam sound plausible.

The takeaway is to be skeptical about the reality of any unsolicited call. It costs you nothing to hang up – it might cost you plenty to stay on the line. As our parents used to say, “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t true.”

Are you among the millions of Canadians who does not have a retirement program through work? There’s a handy resource you should be aware of – the Saskatchewan Pension Plan. SPP is an open, voluntary defined contribution plan that any Canadian with available registered retirement savings plan room can join.

Sign up and start contributing, and SPP will do all the rest, investing your savings in a professionally managed, low fee pooled fund. At retirement, you’ll have options, including the possibility of a lifetime monthly annuity payment or the more flexible Variable Benefit.

Check out SPP today!

Join the Wealthcare Revolution – follow SPP on Facebook!

Written by Martin Biefer

Martin Biefer is Senior Pension Writer at Avery & Kerr Communications in Nepean, Ontario. A veteran reporter, editor and pension communicator, he’s now a freelancer. Interests include golf, line dancing and classic rock, and playing guitar. Got a story idea? Let Martin know via LinkedIn.

Jan 2: What are the most important retirement decisions you can make?

January 2, 2025

Decades ago, a colleague – during a chat about retirement – told us that her in-laws felt that the best retirement decision they ever made was to leave work as soon as they could, at age 55.

They had enjoyed a very long retirement and did all the things they wanted to – and they looked back at it all fondly now that they were in their 80s.

Save with SPP decided to look around to see what other people think are the best, or most important, retirement decisions they can make.

The Motley Fool blog offers up a few key decisions.

One is to “make retirement a priority,” because “the sooner you decide to make retirement a priority, the more time `the force’ (the power of compounding) will work in your favour,” the blog tells us.

Another decision is to “explore your core pursuits,” the blog advises. “The happiest retirees report entering retirement with an average of 3.61 `core pursuits.’ Unhappy retirees have less than two,” the blog notes.

A related idea is to set retirement goals, the blog states.

“Something as simple as writing down three goals for your first year in retirement can work wonders in giving your time structure, purpose, and meaning. Of course, these goals will change over time — the important thing is devoting time to exploring them and following through,” the blog concludes.

The folks at Forbes offer up a few more.

Your health, the publication suggests, should be a top consideration.

“`Good health’ is the factor often cited by retirees as a top reason for happiness in retirement,” the publication notes. “As you’re considering the `when to retire’ question, you’ll want to find a way to balance your health goals with your financial goals, since money worries can be a significant cause of stress, which can in turn negatively affect your health. This can be another reason to consider working part time for a while—you’ll get more time to achieve your health goals while also improving your finances.”

The publication also suggests that delaying your retirement date may qualify you for larger retirement benefits.

Finally, the Kiplinger team brings up some important decisions on retirement you don’t want to get wrong.

Don’t “relocate on a whim,” the article advises. “Too many folks have trudged off willy-nilly to what they thought was a dream destination only to find that it’s more akin to a nightmare,” the article adds. Consider renting in your new, desired location before you decide to buy there, the article adds.

Don’t “not plan” to retire. Huh? Kiplinger says that 55 per cent of U.S. workers plan to work “after they retire,” meaning, essentially, continuing to work indefinitely. “That plan could backfire,” warns Kiplinger.

Changes in your health, or that of a spouse, could mean you’ll be retired before you planned to be. “Assume the worst and save early and often. Only 34 per cent of baby boomers surveyed by Transamerica have a backup plan to replace retirement income if unable to continue working,” the article adds.

Finally, Kiplinger cites “putting off saving for retirement” as a related, bad decision. Surveys found this was the biggest regret amongst U.S. boomers.

“The good news for investors (in their 40s and 50s) is that they may still have enough time to change their savings behavior and achieve their goals, but they will need to take action quickly and be extremely disciplined about their savings,” states Ajay Kaisth of KAI Advisors in New Jersey in the Kiplinger article.

If there is a single takeaway from all this, it’s the idea of planning. You will almost certainly reach a point in life when you are no longer working or able to work. If you thought about this long ago and saved, or joined a retirement program at work, you will have more options than if you didn’t.

If you don’t have a workplace pension plan or retirement program, the Saskatchewan Pension Plan may be just the ticket for you. SPP is open to any Canadian with available RRSP room. You make tax-deductible contributions to SPP at any rate you wish – and you can transfer funds into SPP from other RRSPs. Once your savings are entrusted to SPP, we will invest them in a low-cost, professionally managed pooled fund. At retirement, your choices include income for life via an SPP annuity, or the more flexible Variable Benefit.

Check out SPP today!

Join the Wealthcare Revolution – follow SPP on Facebook!

Written by Martin Biefer

Martin Biefer is Senior Pension Writer at Avery & Kerr Communications in Nepean, Ontario. A veteran reporter, editor and pension communicator, he’s now a freelancer. Interests include golf, line dancing and classic rock, and playing guitar. Got a story idea? Let Martin know via LinkedIn.

Dec 19: Top Senior Activities

December 19, 2024

What are our older folks getting up to these days?

We continually read and hear that there are more seniors than ever, living healthier and longer.

That’s great, but what are all these folks up to with their free time? Save with SPP decided to try and find out.

The Age Space blog has a list of 50 activities! Here’s a small sampling.

Crafts. “Wreaths aren’t just for Christmas,” the blog post states. “You can make some beautifully creative decorations for your home all year round.”

Another pastime – getting back into cooking. “Dig out an old recipe book or watch a cooking show and choose a meal you’ve never made before. The more unusual the meal, the better!”

Farther down the list is an interesting one – the virtual coffee club. “Have a weekly coffee morning video call with your friends. This can be even more fun if you bake the day before, and you can have a little treat with your coffee – and share the recipe!”

The PrimeCarers website offers up a few more.

The first – putting on walking shoes. “Walking is a simple but helpful way for elderly parents to stay active. It makes their hearts healthier, muscles stronger, and bodies more flexible.” There are often walking trails and parks nearby, the article encourages.

Gardening, the site suggests, helps older folks “enjoy nature… it can help improve their hand skills and give them a sense of achievement as they care for plants and watch them grow.”

Another classic activity is birdwatching, the site notes. “Help (seniors) set up a bird feeder in their garden or take them to local parks or nature reserves. Birdwatching can encourage them to spend time outside, enjoy nature, and sharpen their observation skills,” the site adds.

The Great Senior Years blog says group exercise classes “are an excellent way for seniors to stay active and maintain their fitness levels.” A side benefit, the blog adds, is that the classes also provide “a social and enjoyable experience.” Options include yoga class, which benefits flexibility, balance and strength, and for older seniors, chair exercise.

Our mother-in-law, now 92, takes part weekly in the next activity suggested by the blog, Wii sports. Her specialty is bowling, and she often gets the high score in this interactive, “motion sensitive” video game that allows seniors “to participate in sports they may have enjoyed earlier in life or (to) even try new ones.”

A final suggestion from the blog is art class. “Art classes provide a wonderful opportunity for seniors to explore their creativity, develop new skills, and foster a sense of connection with others. Engaging in artistic activities has been shown to have numerous benefits for the elderly, including improved cognitive function, reduced stress levels, and enhanced emotional well-being. Whether it’s painting, drawing, sculpture, or ceramics, art classes offer a diverse range of mediums for seniors to express themselves and engage in a fulfilling hobby,” the blog concludes.

Our circle of seniors do many of these activities, as well as dancing (line and square), playing bridge, darts and pool, cycling, singing groups, working out at the gym, travelling and cruising, and much more. Once you join the ranks of the retired you will wonder, as they say, how you ever squeezed in the time to actually work.

If you don’t belong to a workplace pension plan, and worry you lack the expertise to invest your retirement savings, take a good look at the Saskatchewan Pension Plan. Members of SPP can contribute any amount they want, right up to their annual registered retirement savings plan limit. Then SPP takes on the heavy lifting of investing and growing those savings in a low-cost, professionally managed pooled fund. At retirement, SPP can convert some or all of your savings to a lifetime monthly annuity payment. There’s also the more flexible Variable Benefit option.

Check out SPP today!

Join the Wealthcare Revolution – follow SPP on Facebook!

Written by Martin Biefer

Martin Biefer is Senior Pension Writer at Avery & Kerr Communications in Nepean, Ontario. A veteran reporter, editor and pension communicator, he’s now a freelancer. Interests include golf, line dancing and classic rock, and playing guitar. Got a story idea? Let Martin know via LinkedIn.

Dec 12: Tips for a Happy Retirement

December 12, 2024

Tips provide ways you can have a happy and financially secure retirement

What sorts of things do we need to think about to have a happy retirement – fun and financially secure?

Save with SPP decided to take a look around the Web to see what sort of retirement tips there are for those of us who are still working away.

The Wellington Advertiser in Ontario offers up several tips.

First, the newspaper suggests, you need to “get your finances in order.” As you prepare to retire you need to “plan out your finances ahead of time… people heading towards retirement should look into paying off any outstanding debts, and organizing their money, so they know what to expect come retirement and how much they will be living on.”

The Advertiser’s second tip is to “take it slow.”

“Going from working full time to not working at all can be a harsh adjustment for some, slowly working into retirement is a great way to smooth out the transition. Those heading towards retirement should consider easing off their workload over the course of several years or months,” the newspaper notes.

The article’s other tips include being active, and “getting out” as well. “It’s important to stay mentally active as well, volunteering, clubs, committees and community events are all great ways to stay connected in the community.” That involvement can ease any feelings of loneliness you may have post-work, the article concludes.

The Kiplinger website offers up a few more ideas.

“Happy retirees find a clear sense of purpose,” the site explains. Sometimes, the article continues, golf, strolling the beach and reading don’t provide enough “purpose or meaning.” Many retirees go back to the workforce, not only for the money but for the social connections and sense of purpose, the article adds. Others like to volunteer, which “keeps the brain healthy and active” and prevents “loneliness and isolation.”

The article notes that happier retirees “never stop learning.”

“Experts believe that ongoing education and learning new things can help keep you mentally sharp. Plus, exercising your brain may help prevent cognitive decline and reduce the risk of dementia,” the article reports.

Finally, the folks at Kiplinger extoll the virtues of having a “furry friend” in retirement.

“It turns out that Fido can provide more benefits to you than grabbing the newspaper. Older dog owners who walked their dogs at least once a day got 20 per cent more physical activity than people without dogs, and spent 30 fewer minutes a day being sedentary, on average, according to a study published in The Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. Research has also indicated that dogs help soothe those suffering from cognitive decline, and the physical and mental health benefits of owning a dog can boost the longevity of the owner.

At Forbes Advisor, the importance of having money in retirement is raised.

“Strive to save 10 per cent (or more) of your gross income in a tax-advantaged retirement account,” the article suggests. In Canada, this would include things like a registered retirement savings plan, a company pension plan, a Tax Free Savings Account, and so on.

The article also suggests you “spend smarter” in retirement. Huh?

“Cost and value are not the same thing. For example, if two couples took the same trip of a lifetime, stayed in the same level hotel, and booked the same class of airfare, it would be fair to say that they got the same value from the trip. But if one couple paid full price and the other couple booked at a discounted rate, like my mom always does when she travels, there would be an obvious difference between the cost for each couple. I will give my mom credit; she is the queen of stretching a dollar,” author David Rae writes.

So let’s recap. You’ll want to plan ahead for retirement and set up a budget to handle the fact you will probably be living on less income. The more you save before retirement, the closer your post-work income will be to what you are making now.

Ease into retirement, rather than jumping headlong. Stay active, get out and do things with new people. Have a sense of purpose – maybe volunteer or join a group. Keep learning. Spend smart.

If you don’t have a retirement program through work, a great resource that may be of interest is the Saskatchewan Pension Plan. Join the more than 30,000 Canadians who are members of this voluntary defined contribution pension plan that not only helps you save but can help turn those savings into retirement income.

Check out SPP today!

Join the Wealthcare Revolution – follow SPP on Facebook!

Written by Martin Biefer

Martin Biefer is Senior Pension Writer at Avery & Kerr Communications in Nepean, Ontario. A veteran reporter, editor and pension communicator, he’s now a freelancer. Interests include golf, line dancing and classic rock, and playing guitar. Got a story idea? Let Martin know via LinkedIn.

Nov 7: How To Avoid Dipping Into Savings

November 7, 2024

The idea behind savings has always been to put a little money away today, and in the future, you’ll be covered for any little emergency that arises.

But these days, people are raiding their savings to pay for day-to-day, non-emergency expenses. Is there anything we can all do to prevent that? Save with SPP took a look around to see what others think.

The GoBankingRates website offers up a number of interesting strategies.

One idea is to put your savings in “a separate, online savings account” that “is not directly linked to your chequing or overdraft, or that can be used with a debit card,” the article suggests. We have an account with Alterna Bank that isn’t hooked up to any card, and yes, it’s a piggy bank that’s sort of hard to get at.

A similar idea is to “make savings inaccessible,” perhaps by putting them into a registered savings account (such as a registered retirement savings account) or brokerage account where you can’t get the money out immediately, or without a penalty or tax consequences, the article explains.

At the How To Money blog, one thought is to “focus on your goals,” and to remember why you opened the savings account before dipping into it.

“Do you want to own a home? Become financially independent? Finally go on that big trip you’ve always dreamed of,” the blog asks. “Having a bigger goal to weigh your purchases against can help you think twice before transferring money out of your savings, or making an impulse buy. Once you have a solidified goal, you can think about just how much you could accomplish if you cut out mindless spending,” the blog continues.

A second idea recommended by the blog is creating “sinking funds,” or essentially pre-paying, for things you know you have to spend on.

“A sinking fund for gifts is a common example. We all know we need to buy gifts at the end of the year for the holiday season. But if we don’t plan ahead, we won’t have the money to buy anything. That leads to dipping into savings. Instead, if we create a sinking fund and contribute $50 per month into it starting each January, we’ll have $550 by the end of November for gifts,” the blog explains.

Okay – make the money hard to get at, remember why you’re saving before dipping in, and create little dedicated “sinking funds” to prepay for known, upcoming expenses (again, instead of dipping in.) Are there other ways to work this?

The Balance blog suggests an oldie-but-goodie – using cash.

“Set up auto debit for all your bills and savings contributions, then see how much money you have left over. That’s how much you have to spend. Take out that amount each week or month, and when it’s gone, it’s gone. When you are using cash only for your spending, it takes a lot more work to overspend since you have to actually take the money out of the bank,” the blog suggests.

Another good idea, the blog adds, is to set up an emergency fund – for real emergencies – rather than dipping into your long-term savings.

“If you have a separate emergency fund to handle unexpected expenses, then you will no longer need to dip into your savings account to cover unexpected expenses like car repairs or medical bills,” the blog explains. “Although using your emergency fund may seem like you are dipping into savings, you really are not because you have earmarked these funds ahead of time to cover these expenses.”

The takeaway for all this is that your savings cookie jar should be as hard to get to as possible, so you can’t dip into them for an impulse purchase.

Members of the Saskatchewan Pension Plan can’t dip into their accounts for non-retirement purposes, because SPP is a “locked-in” pension plan. You can’t access the funds until you are age 55 or older, when you are deciding what you are going to do to turn your SPP savings into income. Options include receiving a monthly lifetime annuity or the more flexible Variable Benefit.

Check out SPP today!

Join the Wealthcare Revolution – follow SPP on Facebook!

Written by Martin Biefer

Martin Biefer is Senior Pension Writer at Avery & Kerr Communications in Nepean, Ontario. A veteran reporter, editor and pension communicator, he’s now a freelancer. Interests include golf, line dancing and classic rock, and playing guitar. Got a story idea? Let Martin know via LinkedIn.

Oct. 31: Worried about retiring – be sure you have a hobby awaiting you

October 31, 2024

For the vast majority of people, retirement is a far-away, unknown and somewhat scary idea – having to live on the money you’ve saved (gulp) because you’re too old to work.

In fact, according to The India Times, research this year by LiveCareer in the U.S. found that “61 per cent of workers fear retirement more than death, and for a large segment of participants (64 per cent) the thought of retiring is scarier than the idea of getting a divorce.”

But, reports the Starts at 60 blog, there is a solution for those who “at the end of a long and fulfilling career… (are) feeling lost about their purpose in life.” That solution is finding a post-work hobby.

“One’s golden years can also present an opportunity to rediscover meaning and purpose and one way to do this is through hobbies,” the blog notes. “Many individuals have found new meaning and fulfillment in their lives by pursuing hobbies and interests that they may have neglected earlier in life due to work and family commitments.”

The blog says you can pursue “creative endeavours such as painting or writing, or outdoor pursuits such as hiking or gardening. Hobbies can bring a sense of joy and create new experiences, encourage a sense of community, and help maintain a healthy lifestyle.”

The chief benefits of having a hobby for those over 60, the blog continues, are that the hobby can “provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment in later life, offer an escape from daily routines and stress, stimulate creativity and personal growth, and provide a sense of accomplishment.”

“Hobbies can also bring joy, satisfaction and a sense of achievement to one’s life, as well as provide opportunities to socialise and connect with others who share similar interests. Furthermore, hobbies can also help keep the mind and body active, leading to a healthier and more fulfilling retirement,” the blog concludes.

There are other, more specific health benefits from staying active (via hobbies) in retirement, reports the U.S. National Institute on Aging.

An article on the organization’s site lists the following benefits for those with hobbies, who:

  • “Are less likely to develop certain diseases. Participating in hobbies and other social activities may lower risk for developing some health problems, including dementia, heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer.”
  • “Have a longer lifespan. Studies looking at people’s outlooks and how long they live show that happiness, life satisfaction, and a sense of purpose are all linked to living longer. Doing things that you enjoy may help cultivate those positive feelings.”
  • “Are happier and less depressed. Studies suggest that older adults who participate in activities they find meaningful, such as volunteering in their communities or being physically active, say they feel happier and healthier.”
  • “Are better prepared to cope. When people feel happier and healthier, they are more likely to be resilient, which is our ability to bounce back and recover from difficult situations. Positive emotions, optimism, physical and mental health, and a sense of purpose are all associated with resilience.”
  • “May be able to improve their thinking abilities. Research suggests that participating in certain activities, such as those that are mentally stimulating or involve physical activity, may have a positive effect on memory — and the more variety the better. Other studies are providing new information about ways that creative activities, such as music or dance, can help older adults with memory problems or dementia.”

OK, time for a mid-post recap – hobbies not only help give you a renewed sense of purpose, but you may develop a new community of friends, be healthier, live longer, and think more clearly. Our line dance instructors frequently tell us seniors that dance not only helps our bodies through exercise, but it helps our minds as well – we are forever learning new steps and new dances.

If you are a happy nine-to-fiver grinding away at an important job somewhere, the idea of getting a hobby may seem a little silly. But, reports Forbes, it’s the workaholic who should be thinking about life after work the most.

“People with hobbies and activities before retirement can transition more easily than workaholics with few interests beyond their jobs. This bears consideration before retirement,” the magazine warns.

If you don’t plan to do something, ideally new or more often, after you’re done with your name tag, you may have an unhappy retirement, Forbes continues.

“Many retirees lead interesting lives, but a fair number are bored a significant amount of time. Some have few social connections. Yet still others enjoy life more than ever,” the article concludes.

You really have to think outside the box after life after work. If anyone had told us 15 years ago that we’d been teaching line dancing to seniors, going on a trip to Nashville with fellow line dancers, or taking a line dancing cruise, we’d have laughed. But we’ve had great new experiences and developed a new set of friends thanks to this one easy, fun hobby.

Certainly, the “what to do with all the time” side of retirement can be a challenge, and for many, so can the financial saving side of things. If you’re relying on your own efforts to fund your future retirement, a great partner is waiting in the wings to help you – the Saskatchewan Pension Plan. Designed for both individual savers or for use as a company pension plan, SPP collects contributions from its members, invests them in a low-cost, professionally managed pooled fund, and grows them into retirement income choices that include a lifetime monthly annuity or the more flexible Variable Benefit.

Check out SPP today!

Join the Wealthcare Revolution – follow SPP on Facebook!

Written by Martin Biefer

Martin Biefer is Senior Pension Writer at Avery & Kerr Communications in Nepean, Ontario. A veteran reporter, editor and pension communicator, he’s now a freelancer. Interests include golf, line dancing and classic rock, and playing guitar. Got a story idea? Let Martin know via LinkedIn.

Oct. 17: Retirees who are living their best lives – testimonials from life after work

October 17, 2024

When we were younger – even though we worked at a pension plan – we couldn’t quite imagine what it would be like to be retired. With no job to go to, what were we going to do?

We met a couple at the local mall 20 years ago or so who were retired and said that “you’ll never be able to understand how you found the time to work,” which was sort of helpful while at the same time, baffling.

We get it now, of course – but who do others who have slipped the bonds of employment feel about their retired life. Save with SPP did a little digging to find out!

The Travel Awaits blog gives us a few nice views on the subject.

“Retirement is not the end of your former life, but a fresh new beginning,” says Joyce, who left the world of corporate work at 62 and has moved to warmer climes in Panama. She does not miss “the long commutes or rigidity of working,” and urges others to “spend time planning what you want to do” before retiring.

Mark tells Travel Awaits to “retire as soon as possible. Life is short.” After retiring at 58, the former electrical engineer spends his days hiking, reading, and attending air shows. He says he enjoys “being in charge of how he spends his days.”

At the Retirement Online website there’s a list of quotes from happy retirees.

Craig Counters of Bloomington, Minn. says retirement “has been everything that I hoped for,” noting that he is “in no way bored with my retired life. I have plenty to do. Too much in fact.”

Cindy Petzoldt of St. Louis, Mo., was diagnosed with depression just prior to retirement, but is now “so stinkin’ happy” that her medications have been cut in half. She volunteers with a choir that performs for dementia patients, is a Ready Reader to help pre-schoolers learn to read, took classes in meditation, and stays connected with fellow retired coworkers.

“I am WAY BETTER than fine. I am incredibly happy and fulfilled, doing meaningful volunteer activities I enjoy,” she reports.

At the Kiplinger Personal Finance website, retired pilot Gary Dyson now volunteers for the Orbis Flying Eye Hospital and mentors “aspiring eye health professionals” in different countries.

His work helps people improve and even regain their eyesight.

“There is nothing in the world like it – especially knowing that it will drastically change that person’s life, allowing them to read, learn, work or support their family. Having a small part in that is very rewarding to me,” he tells Kiplinger.

Let’s leave the last word to The New York Times.

Kris Kruid, age 65, tells the newspaper “I set the goal of making retirement look good to others and finding ways to make these chapters of my life full of adventure, rewarding interactions and opportunities to make a difference in the lives of others.”

“My motto is `Do good, be good, get good.’ I’m 14 years into the best years of my life.”

Are you saving today for the future best years of your life? A trusted savings partner is the Saskatchewan Pension Plan, which has been helping Canadians save for more than 35 years. Every dollar you contribute to SPP is professionally invested in a low-cost, pooled fund, and when it’s time to retire, your invested savings can be turned into income via such options as a lifetime monthly annuity or the more flexible Variable Benefit.

Check out SPP today!

Join the Wealthcare Revolution – follow SPP on Facebook!

Written by Martin Biefer

Martin Biefer is Senior Pension Writer at Avery & Kerr Communications in Nepean, Ontario. A veteran reporter, editor and pension communicator, he’s now a freelancer. Interests include golf, line dancing and classic rock, and playing guitar. Got a story idea? Let Martin know via LinkedIn.

Oct. 10: Having fun without spending a fortune – searching for cheaper entertainment

October 10, 2024

As a teenager, we used to play golf at a course where the green fees were $5 if you teed off before 8 a.m. The three of us would chip in for gas for our old car – you could fill the tank for maybe seven or eight bucks because gas was about 77 cents a gallon. And when we got tickets to see AC/DC play at the Ottawa Civic Centre in 1980, it cost $7 a ticket. You could also get change from a dollar bill when you got a Happy Meal at the Golden Arches.

Today these activities all cost about 10-20 times more than they used to.

What’s a person to do for fun without spending hundreds of dollars? Save with SPP took a look around the Interweb for some ideas.

While camping at a site costs less than a trip to Disney World, The Humbled Homemaker blog suggests an even cheaper alternative – camping in the backyard!

“You can still have the whole experience—s’mores, campfire, sleeping bags and all—for a fraction of the cost. When I was in high school my friend would have `camp-overs.’ We’d stay in her parent’s camper in their driveway, make hot dogs over the fire and stay up really late,” the blog tells us.

Another suggestion – take the family to the zoo! Our daughter and her family do this all the time. “Zoos can provide entertainment for couples and families. Most are either free or reasonably priced and some will allow you to carry in food. If not, pack a lunch and eat in the car,” the blog advises.

A third idea is having a game night at home. “Extremely cost effective, or even free, board games are a great source of entertainment for groups of friends and families with children. We like to incorporate fun and learning with games and most holidays you’ll find us playing cards or fun games like ImagineIf.” Save with SPP remembers family game nights well, playing Monopoly, Careers, Clue, or cards.

Another way to reduce your entertainment costs, suggests the Canadian Budget Binder blog, is to do a little more planning and set a budget for it.

“Once you have determined your overall budget, you must allocate funds to different categories to help manage all your entertainment interests,” the blog advises. “For example, your categories include dining out, movies and streaming, events and activities, travel and vacations, and hobbies and leisure.”

“A set amount allocated to each category will help you track what you did and how much you already spent,” the blog suggests. “If you have an amount set aside for movie tickets and have nothing left, you must wait until the next month for more `movie ticket money.’”

Another approach, the blog recommends, is to look for “low-cost activities” and to use “deals and discounts.” The blog suggests going to “art shows, festivals, famers’ markets and concerts held in your community free of charge for entry.”

As well, make use of parks and trails, the blog states. “You can always explore hiking trails, beaches, or parks for free. Taking a day out of your busy schedule can mean simply taking a day off work, having a picnic in the park, or even catching the sun at the beach,” the blog adds.

The MoneyCrashers blog expands on the idea of looking for bargains. Online coupons can be found at sites like Groupon, and can offer “excellent discounts” on activities, food, or other entertainment.

Watch your physical mailbox for discount coupons on restaurants, including “two for one deals and half off coupons,” the blog notes. Keep an eye on event websites for special discounts and deals, and take note of restaurants offering “kids eat free” deals, the blog suggests.

If you have membership cards that provide you discounts on select items, use them, the blog adds.

Finally, the Tiny Buddha blog provides us with some additional thoughts.

“Have a picnic in the park and ask everyone to make something from scratch,” the blog suggests.

On the dining with friends theme, the blog also suggests having “cookie swap” parties, “hosting dinners with friends,” and having a “food themed” potluck party, where everyone brings something Italian, Thai, Chinese, or whatever the theme is.

Another suggestion is to “have a culture day – visit a museum on a free day, listen to classical music on the way, and watch a classic movie in the evening.”

If there’s a common thread here it is to use your imagination and plan when it comes to entertainment. We’ll add one other suggestion – join a group. Perhaps it’s a book club, an investing club, line dancing classes (or any dancing), yoga, running, or cycling. It’s a great way to learn something new while making new friends.

Did you know that the Saskatchewan Pension Plan is not only for individual members? The plan can be, and is offered by many employers as their company pension plan.

Here’s an interview with Trevor Stein of Stein Corp, a plumbing and electrical firm, that explains the value of offering SPP as a benefit to your employees: Stein Finds Talent with SPP (

Check out SPP today!

Join the Wealthcare Revolution – follow SPP on Facebook!

Written by Martin Biefer

Martin Biefer is Senior Pension Writer at Avery & Kerr Communications in Nepean, Ontario. A veteran reporter, editor and pension communicator, he’s now a freelancer. Interests include golf, line dancing and classic rock, and playing guitar. Got a story idea? Let Martin know via LinkedIn.

Oct. 3: Garage Sales – turning unwanted clutter into cold hard cash

October 3, 2024

There’s a room in our basement that we euphemistically call “the storage room,” chiefly because it holds all our accumulated family clutter. Toys, books, stamp collections, ancient stereo equipment, records, unneeded furniture – the list goes on and on.

We both occasionally spend a few minutes looking at the growing collection, then close the door.

But there’s a better way to manage things you don’t want or need – having a garage sale. Save with SPP took a look around to learn the dos and don’ts of putting your stuff up for sale in your laneway.

The blog sees a garage sale as a way “to recoup some of the sunk costs from all the gently used items you’ve accumulated.” But, the blog advises, doing a garage sale properly requires a little strategizing.

“Pick the right day,” the blog advises. “Pick a weekend at least one week in advance, but two weeks ahead might be better if you have a lot of stuff to sell. That gives you time to get everything ready without feeling rushed.”

Sundays, the blog adds, seem to be the best days for it.

Next, the blog says, do a thorough check of the house and gather up all the stuff you want to sell. “Good sale items include old furniture, tools, computer stuff, dishes and other household items, books, appliances, vintage items, toys, kitchen gadgets, sporting goods, and other unwanted items,” the blog continues.

Be sure to clean/dust every item, and check pockets of all clothing – you don’t want to be selling your spare keys, important papers, or money.

Getting the word out about your sale is of crucial importance, notes The Garage Conundrum blog.

Social media can be a big help here, the blog says. “Create an event on platforms like Facebook to tap into a wide local audience. Highlight key items for sale with photos to pique interest and drive foot traffic. Share the event in community groups to maximize visibility and attendance,” the blog advises. We used Kijiji to help promote our sister-in-law’s garage sale, and it generated a lot of interest.

You also want to set prices for your items, the blog suggests, and those price tags should be able to withstand the elements. “Weather-proof pricing labels endure the elements, ensuring prices remain visible regardless of weather conditions. These labels stick firmly to items, preventing them from blowing away or getting lost during the sale. With clear labeling, customers can quickly identify prices, streamlining their shopping experience,” the blog suggests.

Other ideas in the article suggest displaying any more valuable or collectible items in a separate area/table, and to set a “flat rate” for things like books and CD – if you take 10, say, they are $1 each but otherwise $2 each. This pricing idea “helps clear out inventory quickly,” the article tells us.

A few more insights are on offer over at Better Homes and Gardens magazine.

Scope out other garage sales in your neighbourhood “to gather intel on what works, what doesn’t, and how to price everything to sell,” the article suggests.

Another tip – “price as you gather your items,” the magazine advises. Pricing, the article continues, takes forever and “you’ll be too stressed and tired to make good choices” if you try to do it all the night before.

The article also says social media is the way to go for advertising, but says a few old-school signs and banners help as well. “Always include your full address, the days of the sale, and times.” Indicate if you are able to accept other forms of payment besides cash, the article notes.

The Money Smart Family blog gives us some final good ideas.

Consider minimizing the work by joining forces with neighbours and doing a multi-family sale, the blog states. Talk the sale up with neighbours prior to sale day, e-mail or message friends who live farther away, the blog adds.

Use tables so people can see the items better. “Gather as many tables as you can.  Use sawhorses with doors or pieces of plywood if you have to. You’ll sell more if what you display isn’t super-cluttered. We even build a rack for shoes out of wood scraps and put mini-shelves in the middle of tables to give us more space on the tables,” the blog advises.

If everything goes well, you’ll have turned most of the items into cold, hard cash. In our neighbourhood, items that don’t sell are usually put by the curb with a “free” sign, and usually disappear within a day or two. Alternatively, you can donate them to your local thrift shop.

A nice use of any sudden, extra cash is long-term saving. Consider opening an account with the Saskatchewan Pension Plan. For over 35 years we have been helping Canadians save for retirement. SPP, open to any of us with unused registered retirement savings plan room, will professionally invest your savings dollars in a low-cost, pooled fund. When it’s time to turn savings into retirement income, you can choose such options as a lifetime monthly annuity payment, or the more flexible Variable Benefit.

Check out SPP today!

Join the Wealthcare Revolution – follow SPP on Facebook!

Written by Martin Biefer

Martin Biefer is Senior Pension Writer at Avery & Kerr Communications in Nepean, Ontario. A veteran reporter, editor and pension communicator, he’s now a freelancer. Interests include golf, line dancing and classic rock, and playing guitar. Got a story idea? Let Martin know via LinkedIn.